About Us
I have been a teacher in English Primary Schools for thirteen years. I have experience in EYFS settings, Year 1 classes & different SLT roles.
I am currently teaching FS2, leading EYFS, SENDCo & Assistant Head. I love my job and in particular my work family at my current setting. We are part of a MAT & also a C of E school. I am a big believer in work/life balance and that education staff work best when they work together. This led me to set up my EYFSprovision instagram page a few years ago. I find the insta community to be inspiring and supportive. After having many DMs about various resources I have added them to this website. If any of them come in handy & save education staff time, then it has been worth it. Thank you for taking the time to check out my page. Kindest regards EYFS Provision